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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ender's Game Review

MOVIE REVIEW ENDER'S GAME Ender’s Game,’ With Harrison Ford and Asa Butterfield Imagine a world where children are recruited to train in space and float in zero gravity to fight insect like aliens. If you were thinking: “Starhip Troopers,“ you would be half right. “Ender's Game” was written by Orson Scott Card in 1985. Although inspired by space opera of the 1960's and 1970's, Ender's Game is more of a young adults entry into the genre. The movie isn't just action though, it asks enough tough ethical questions like: is it okay to draft young children into the military and send them into outer space, to make it stimulating enough for the more mature science fiction fan. Well maybe not. My little boy loved the action and said the way Ender controlled the ships and space battles was like a Nintendo Wii game. He also asked why Han Solo was there and why he looked so old. The novel was much better than the movie, but what novel isn't. I guess the movie has to be judged on it's own merits apart from the original book my Orson Scott Card, which is a science fiction master piece and classic. I'm just glad I had something so entertaining and visually appealing as this film to take my son to. If you value the original book I recommend that you see this film because it still reflect the original values and spirit of the book. If you have never read the book or could care less about reading I also recommend you go to see it because it is very entertaining and well produced.